Health & wellbeing
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Better economic value

Did you know?


Share of operations and maintenance in total building costs over 30 years


Urban population growth by 2050

  • Increasing population and urbanization in the world: growing rate of construction, need to be able to adapt and build quickly to meet the population's needs
  • Cost is a driver at all stages of the building's lifecycle
  • At Saint-Gobain: providing solutions to assist stakeholders at all stages



  • 7-15% of the total cost of the building is cost of architects in design phase

  • Before the construction is completed, need to optimize the process

  • 3 main drivers: 
    • Efficiency at the design stage of the building: bringing solutions, services and documents to ease the work of the different stakeholders in the conception of a new building
    • Efficiency of the construction process: enable quicker completion of the construction, by better management on site, conformity with standards and technical approval, ...
    • Optimized cost of installation: reduced installation time, less accessories, solutions easier to install and to adapt to real jobsite configuration, ...

Cost of ownership

  • 3 main drivers:
    • Optimize operating cost: limit the impact of external negative incidents by increasing protection and early detection of events, design builsings easy to repair, use easy-to-maintain solutions, ..
    • Efficiency at the end-of-life of the building: optimize demolition and deconstruction, enable re-use of building parts, minimize landfill and other disposal costs
    • Increased value of property: from the design stage, favor durable construction with low energy consumption, low maintenance and easy renovation

How we contribute

SG solutions are available to take action at all lifecycle stages:

  • Design stage: tools and documents to support designers, BIM objects

  • Construction stage:  lightweight construction systems, off-site manufacturing, logistics services

  • Operating stage: safe solutions, easy to maintain, long-lasting solutions

  • End-of-life: solutions easy to deconstruct, dismount or recycle ; recycling services